🌮 Taqueria v0.40.0 — The Oxford Protocol Fiesta! 🎉

Pinnacle Labs
2 min readSep 20, 2023


Hola Taqueria Devs!

We’re excited to serve up Taqueria v0.40.0, a spicy blend of new features, improvements, and bug fixes. Let’s dive into the delicious details!

What’s New 🌯

  • SmartPy Plugin Preview: We’re serving a preview version of our SmartPy Plugin, updated to support the alpha release of SmartPy v0.19a. Install it today with taq install @taqueria/plugin-smartpy@next. Please note, parameterList files are not supported due to complications. We're working on making compilation for all compilers more intuitive. Stay tuned for a community discussion post soon!
  • Oxford Protocol Support: We’ve updated our Flextesa and LIGO plugins to support the Oxford protocol. Now you can enjoy the latest flavors of Tezos development!
  • Tezos Client Plugin Renamed to Octez Client: We’ve renamed our Tezos Client plugin to Octez Client. To migrate, please run: taq uninstall @taqueria/plugin-tezos-client && taq install @taqueria/plugin-octez-client.
  • Contract Types Plugin Improvements: We’ve fixed a couple of issues (#1895 and #1902) to make your TypeScript generation smoother and more efficient.
  • Archetype Plugin Updated: Our Archetype plugin now supports the latest version, v1.43.
  • Taqueria VSCode Extension: Updated to support the latest grammars in LIGO v0.73.
  • Updated Dependencies: We now support the latest version of Deno v1.36 and Node v18 when building Taqueria from source. We’ve also updated all NPM dependencies and removed those that weren’t adding value.

Changelog đź“ť

For the full list of changes, check out the Full Changelog

We hope you enjoy this release as much as we enjoyed cooking it up for you. Thanks for being a part of our vibrant Taqueria community.

Keep cooking and coding, amigos! 🌮🎉



Pinnacle Labs

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